The House of Representatives is Deadlocked

After a few ballots, it looks like the House of Representatives will not expeditiously choose between Bush and Gore. Many of the Bush delegates are leaning toward Gore, so neither state reached the lucky number of 26 states.

After a few days of balloting, the press and the public are clamoring for a resolution. The Senate, which under the Twelfth Amendment is responsible for choosing the Vice President in this scenario, is hinting about its impatience.

If the House does not pick a President by January 20, the Vice President-elect is supposed to take over as acting President under the terms of the Twentieth Amendment. So the Senate will have to make a decision soon -- and if the Senators don't know which candidate the House will pick, they could pick someone from a different party! Imagine Al Gore made President with Dick Cheney as Vice President. Or George Bush as President with Joseph Lieberman serving under him.

Under enormous pressure to decide quickly, the House finally comes to a decision.

Who finally ends up winning in the House?

(1) If the House finally picks George W. Bush to be president, click here.

(2) If the House finally picks Albert Gore to be president, click here.

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